US Embassy officials to Indonesia Brian McFeeters amazed by the Procurement Services Unit -Service Electronic Procurement Yogyakarta (ULP-LPSE). Brian conveyed admiration when he and US embassy staff took the time to come to Yogyakarta City Hall, Tuesday (08/09/2016) afternoon. Brian was accompanied by Secretary of Yogyakarta Dra. Rr. Sulastri point, the Head of Development Control (Dalbang), and head directly related SKPD visited ULP-LPSE office complex is located in Yogyakarta City Hall. After a close look at the presence and activity of ULP-LPSE Yogyakarta Brian McFeeters admiration and appreciated. "Pretty good.
Because the program runs well and I think this will benefit the community," he said. He hoped the presence of ULP-socialized properly LPSE out, so that people know and use. He also hopes to encourage more people to use the services of ULP-LPSE can save money and become more transparent and accountable.
Meanwhile, Head of the Secretariat of State Dalbang Yogyakarta Drs. Wasesa said the arrival of Brian and his staff to find out from close if the assistance provided through the cooperation of Indonesia Millennium Challenge Account (MCAI) was progressing as expected or not. Said MCAI is funding institutions have many programs such as the modernization of procurement. "Well, they (Brian) come here want to see, whether melalaui MCAI program running well or not.
They really do not want to check this program the way," said Wasesa. According to the municipal government of Yogyakarta Wasesa cooperation with MCAI began in 2014 and ended in 2016.
However, the cooperation with the city government MCAI Yogyakarta dipepanjang two years that ended in 2018. During the period from 2014 to 2016, many more institutions have LPSE utilizing ULP-owned by the City Yogyakarta to conduct auctions or procurement activities. "Already 22 agencies that already use ULP-LPSE Jogja. No. 22 is outside the local government institutions (Yogyakarta city government)," added Wasesa. Wasesa explain the modernization of procurement, procurement of the future will be easier, faster, cleaner and better quality materials. (@mix)